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Ozhenja Xwilliams
Ozhenja Xwilliams

Aksharaya Full LINK Movie 12


Aksharaya Full LINK Movie 12

i was supposed to be making this movie in september this year. then, i was making the script and we were supposed to be shooting it by the end of this year. but my manager has said that we won't be doing it this year.

the media, which covered the meeting with a certain amount of scepticism, said the exchange was comic, with ratanayke giving his interpretation of aksharaya as an attack on parliamentary democracy and weerasekera asking for clarification as to whether the film was actually anti-armed forces. many commentators suggested that ratanayke was legitimising the latter argument, but that is somewhat undercut by weerasekeras questioning at the meeting over the reasons for the ban. he may have been asking why were the topics of the films being covered up.

weerasekera said that before he or any of his colleagues could open their mouths, as a citizen, they were clearly being intimidated and their rights are being violated. in aksharaya, he explained that he used the devices of the colonial penal code, such as satanic possession and homicide, to cover up the fact that the films political themes were being suppressed.

there are echoes in aksharaya of the galatta (sinhalese film of 1973), in which the sinhalese hero, a policeman, is informed that his wife has been kidnapped by a tamil gang. he is told to look under the bed, where he finds a woman in bed with a tamil woman. he is enraged, kills the tamil woman and her child and then turns to attack the sinhalese woman.

if the atmosphere of aksharaya conveys any real sense of a psychologically damaged family riddled by a sexual problem, then the female judiciary in sri lanka must be especially concerned, as the film is based on a personal account of handagama, who is a practising magistrate. he says that the film is an anguished exploration of the inner world of a psychiatrist, conveying a latent violence that is unleashed under highly stressful circumstances. 3d9ccd7d82

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