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Mike Hull
Mike Hull

What You Need to Know About DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 and How to Install It

DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20: The Ultimate Guide for TV Lovers

If you are a TV lover who wants to enjoy the best quality and variety of channels on your TV, you might have heard of DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20. But what is it exactly and how can you install it on your TV? In this article, we will answer these questions and more.

dvb t v1 1 firmware sunplus box tv1 20

What is DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20?

DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 is a software update for a specific type of digital TV receiver that uses the Sunplus chipset. This receiver allows you to receive free-to-air digital terrestrial TV channels using a simple antenna. The software update improves the performance and stability of the receiver, as well as adding new features and functions.

What are the benefits of DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20?

By installing DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Better picture and sound quality: The software update enhances the signal processing and decoding of the receiver, resulting in clearer and sharper images and sounds.

  • More channels and languages: The software update expands the range of channels and languages that you can receive and watch on your TV. You can access hundreds of channels from different countries and regions, as well as various genres and categories.

  • More features and functions: The software update adds new features and functions to your receiver, such as EPG (Electronic Program Guide), PVR (Personal Video Recorder), USB support, HDMI output, parental control, subtitle and audio options, and more.

How to install DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver?

To install DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver, you will need the following:

  • A compatible receiver that uses the Sunplus chipset. You can check the model number and firmware version of your receiver by pressing the MENU button on your remote control and selecting SYSTEM INFORMATION.

  • A USB flash drive with at least 4GB of free space. You will need to download the software update file from the official website or a trusted source and copy it to the root directory of your USB flash drive.

  • A stable power supply and a good antenna connection. You should avoid any power interruptions or signal disruptions during the installation process.

Once you have everything ready, follow these steps to install DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver:

  • Turn off your receiver and plug in your USB flash drive to the USB port on the back of your receiver.

  • Turn on your receiver and press the MENU button on your remote control. Select TOOLS and then UPGRADE BY USB.

  • Select the software update file that you copied to your USB flash drive. It should have a name like dvb_t_v11_firmware_sunplus_box_tv120.bin or similar.

  • Select START and then YES to confirm. The installation process will begin and you will see a progress bar on your screen.

  • Wait until the installation process is completed. It may take several minutes depending on the size of the file and the speed of your receiver.

  • When the installation process is finished, you will see a message saying UPGRADE SUCCESSFUL. Press OK to exit.

  • Unplug your USB flash drive and restart your receiver. You may need to scan for channels again to update your channel list.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver. Now you can enjoy the best TV experience with more quality, variety, and features.

How to use DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your TV?

After installing DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver, you can use it on your TV by following these steps:

  • Connect your receiver to your TV using an HDMI cable or an AV cable. Make sure your TV is set to the correct input source.

  • Turn on your receiver and your TV. You should see the main menu of your receiver on your TV screen.

  • Use the remote control of your receiver to navigate through the menu and select the options that you want. You can change the language, the time zone, the aspect ratio, and other settings according to your preference.

  • To watch TV channels, select CHANNEL LIST and then press OK. You will see a list of all the available channels that you can receive with your antenna. You can use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll through the list and the OK button to select a channel.

  • To access the EPG, press the EPG button on your remote control. You will see a guide that shows you the current and upcoming programs for each channel. You can use the LEFT and RIGHT buttons to switch between channels and the UP and DOWN buttons to switch between time slots.

  • To record a program, press the REC button on your remote control. You will see a message asking you to insert a USB storage device. Plug in a USB flash drive or an external hard drive to the USB port on the back of your receiver. The recording will start automatically and you will see a red icon on the top right corner of your screen.

  • To play back a recorded program, press the PLAY button on your remote control. You will see a list of all the recorded files on your USB storage device. You can use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll through the list and the OK button to select a file.

  • To access other features and functions, such as PVR, USB support, parental control, subtitle and audio options, and more, press the MENU button on your remote control and select TOOLS. You will see a submenu with various options that you can choose from.

That's how you can use DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your TV. Enjoy!

How to troubleshoot DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver?

Although DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 is designed to improve your TV experience, you may encounter some problems or issues while using it on your receiver. Here are some common problems and their possible solutions:

  • No signal or weak signal: This may be caused by a faulty or misaligned antenna, a bad weather condition, or a damaged cable. To fix this, you should check your antenna and cable connections, adjust your antenna position and direction, and avoid any obstacles or interference that may block the signal.

  • No sound or distorted sound: This may be caused by a wrong audio setting, a low volume level, or a faulty speaker. To fix this, you should check your audio setting and make sure it matches your TV and receiver, adjust your volume level and balance, and test your speaker with another device.

  • No picture or distorted picture: This may be caused by a wrong video setting, a low resolution, or a faulty TV. To fix this, you should check your video setting and make sure it matches your TV and receiver, adjust your resolution and aspect ratio, and test your TV with another device.

  • No channels or missing channels: This may be caused by a wrong channel scan, a outdated channel list, or a changed frequency. To fix this, you should perform a channel scan again and make sure you select the correct region and mode, update your channel list with the latest software update, and check the frequency of the channels that you want to watch.

  • No EPG or incorrect EPG: This may be caused by a lack of EPG data, a wrong time zone setting, or a corrupted EPG file. To fix this, you should wait for the EPG data to load and refresh, check your time zone setting and make sure it matches your location, and delete the EPG file from your USB storage device and download it again.

  • No recording or playback: This may be caused by a lack of USB storage space, a wrong USB format, or a corrupted file. To fix this, you should free up some space on your USB storage device by deleting unwanted files, format your USB storage device to FAT32 using your computer, and check the file name and extension of the recorded file.

If you still have problems or issues with DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver, you can contact the customer service of your receiver manufacturer or visit their official website for more support and information.

How to compare DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 with other firmware versions or receivers?

If you want to compare DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 with other firmware versions or receivers, you can use the following criteria:

  • Compatibility: You should check if the firmware version or the receiver is compatible with your TV and your antenna. You should also check if the firmware version or the receiver supports the DVB-T standard and the region that you are in.

  • Performance: You should check the signal quality, the picture and sound quality, the channel variety and availability, and the stability and reliability of the firmware version or the receiver. You should also check the speed and efficiency of the channel scan, the EPG loading, and the recording and playback functions.

  • Features: You should check the features and functions that the firmware version or the receiver offers, such as EPG, PVR, USB support, HDMI output, parental control, subtitle and audio options, and more. You should also check if the firmware version or the receiver has any unique or innovative features that make it stand out from others.

  • Usability: You should check how easy and convenient it is to use the firmware version or the receiver. You should check the user interface, the menu design, the remote control, and the user manual of the firmware version or the receiver. You should also check how user-friendly and intuitive the firmware version or the receiver is.

  • Price: You should check how much it costs to buy or update to the firmware version or the receiver. You should also check if there are any hidden fees or charges involved in using the firmware version or the receiver.

By using these criteria, you can compare DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 with other firmware versions or receivers and decide which one suits your needs and preferences better.


DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 is a software update for a specific type of digital TV receiver that uses the Sunplus chipset. It improves the performance and stability of the receiver, as well as adding new features and functions. It also allows you to receive free-to-air digital terrestrial TV channels using a simple antenna. To use it on your TV, you need to download the software update file from the official website or a trusted source, copy it to a USB flash drive, and install it on your receiver. You can then enjoy the best TV experience with more quality, variety, and features. If you encounter any problems or issues with DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 on your receiver, you can troubleshoot them using some common solutions or contact the customer service of your receiver manufacturer or visit their official website for more support and information. You can also compare DVB T V1 1 Firmware Sunplus Box TV1 20 with other firmware versions or receivers using some criteria such as compatibility, performance, features, usability, and price. This way, you can decide which one suits your needs and preferences better.

We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. Thank you for reading! a27c54c0b2

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